Run this BEE-tch!
Fall is finally here, and we couldn’t be more excited! #SweaterWeather, crunchy leaves, pumpkin everything, but most importantly it's race season! #ItsFallYall
For the second year in a row, we are “The Official Headband of the Queen Bee”. If you register for the half-marathon, you will be receiving an exclusive branded Queen Bee half marathon Sweaty Band! Talk about motivation to run a Half-Marathon!
We will be at the expo all day Friday Oct. 9th for anyone who would like to stop by!
Speaking of the Queen Bee, one of our own Queen B's, Brittany Besl, is running! It will be her first Half Marathon, and she’s here to tell us a little more about how her experience has been leading up to the Queen Bee!
Hi there! I’m Brittany Besl, Sweaty Bands Social Media Manager and Business Development Representative. I've always seen running as a sport where only the best of the best competed. They had to have long lean legs, a killer physique, and well didn’t look anything like me. (Hint: I’m five foot nothing.) So the whole idea of "running" never really crossed my mind.
My journey of setting my goal to run a Half Marathon started my first week of working at Sweaty Bands. While working different Half Marathons and Marathons across the country, I had so many people ask me if I had ever ran a race before. I always would say that I wasn't much of a runner and talk about different work out classes that I would attend. Little did I know, anyone is capable of being a runner. I was overwhelmed with every woman’s goals, dreams, and aspirations after I told them I was not much of a runner and how they got started with running. Event after event I started to feel like a cheesy old car sales man, talking about how great Sweaty Bands were to run in even though I still hadn't ran an actual race before. Finally, every customer's stories and goals inspired me to at least sign up for a Half Marathon. I decided on the Queen Bee. One because it was April and the event wasn't until October and two Beyonce, duh.
At first, I didn’t tell anyone I signed up for the Queen Bee. I was too nervous to admit that I actually committed to running 13.1 miles (IN A ROW!) when I could barely run 3. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I grew up playing soccer my entire life, but I felt like I didn’t even really know how to run. That might sound dumb, but I’m serious. I had to reteach myself how to run. Once I told my co-workers, friends, and family a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. I knew if I wasn’t going to hold myself accountable they would. I highly recommend setting goals, putting them on paper, and sharing them with all your loved ones. This doesn't even have to do with running setting goals and actually putting them on paper can go a long way!
I started my training slow and steady. I added a mile each week and it was a totally manageable pace for me. I knew if I increased my mileage too quickly, I’d hate the training and give up and go back to the regular Barre, Cycling, and Pilate’s classes that I was used to. (Don’t get me wrong, it is very important to cross train and find a training plan that works best for you!)
After a while there was something about running that was different than other workouts. The sense of accomplishment and pure joy I would get after completing a run was something I was not able to find in other workout classes. The first mile is and probably always will be the hardest for me. Even after my 10 mile run, last Saturday the first mile still sucked. As my running partner once told me, it's all in your head. If you think you can’t do it, you can't. If you think you can, well by golly you can! Plan your schedule out weeks in advance and commit to it! You CAN do it. If you are like me and brand new to running just take it slow and steady, you'll get there eventually!
There are plenty of stories from the last couple months I could tell. Maybe, I shed a tear here and there, but what mattered is that I kept trying, and kept working towards my goal that I had so confidently (maybe, idiotically ;)) set. I run because I can. There are so many people who can’t and knowing that I was born to be able to run just keeps me going. Now go grab a running buddy (I know I’m thankful for mine!), hit the pavement, and crush your goals!
What are your goals? What keeps you motivated?
Thank you to everyone who inspired me to run my first Half Marathon. There are tons of you and you probably have no idea who you are, heck I don’t even know who you are, but you all ROCK! Now, let's hope I finish this thing! :)
The Wanna-Bee Queen Bee: Brittany Besl
Are you also running a race this fall? We will be at:
9/27: Chicago Half Marathon
10/3: Twin Cities Marathon
10/4: Hot Chocolate Denver
10/10: Queen Bee Half Marathon
10/11: Army 10-Miler and Chicago Marathon
10/17: Baltimore Running Festival
10/18: Detroit Marathon and Rock and Roll St. Louis
10/25: Marine Corps Marathon
10/31: Rock and Roll Philadelphia
11/1: NYC Marathon
11/6-11/7: Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon
11/7-11/8: Rock and Roll Savannah
11/8: Hot Chocolate Chicago and Big Sur Half Marathon
11/12-11/15: Disney Avenger Half Marathon and Rock and Roll Las Vegas
11/15: Hot Chocolate Columbus
11/20-11/22: Philadelphia Marathon
12/5: St. Jude Memphis Marathon
12/13: Hot Chocolate St. Louis
Hope to see you getting sweaty during at least one of these races!

GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna rock it! So proud of you!
Way to go Brittany! SO excited for you!