Don't Let the Darkness Slow You Down!
Since every month is a National 'something' month. We thought November's "National" month was too important to skip over. November is National Running Safety Month. Since we started our niche in running we wanted to share some tips with you all to stay safe during a night run.
This week makes it official. You can hardly get off work in time for the sun to still be out, but you still need to get that run in that your body has been craving. Use these tips to have your safest runs while running in the dark.
• Always let someone know where you are going!
Before heading off on your run, always let someone know here you are headed and how long you think you will be out. It's as simple as a text to a friend telling them your route, etc.
• Light up the night like the superstar you are!
People at night are hard to see as it is. Runners are even harder to see at night and can easily be overlooked by distracted drivers. Wearing reflective clothing, our Reflective Runner Sweaty Band , and lights make it much easier for drivers to spot you.
• Face traffic as you run!
This not only provides drivers a clear view of what’s ahead of them, but also gives you a visual of oncoming vehicles in case you need to make any last-minute maneuvers.
• Run with a pal!
Running with a friend is not only more fun, but also safer! If you don’t have runner friends or a dog ask a friend to bike along you while you run. If none of this is an option, look into joining a running club!
• Listen up!
Headphones OUT. Nighttime running calls for your most alert self! Not to mention it will give you quality time with just you and your brain ;)!
• Carry identification
Whenever running alone, day or night, it’s important to carry identification in an emergency.
• Run on the sidewalk as often as possible
You should already be doing this, but always look both ways before you cross the street and stay on the side walk as often as possible! Crosswalks, especially those regulated by stop signs are the worst for runners. Drivers will pull out in front of the stop sign looking for cars, but often look right beyond runners. Always make eye contact with the driver before you step off the curb!
We care about our Sweaty Family so stay safe out there! Don't forget to do your squats, as well!